Texas claims data storage record with SSD

Texas Memory Systems is claiming to have again broken a world data storage performance record, as well as another on price.

The record performance was achieved using basic server and storage network hardware with Texas Memory's RamSan-400 solid state disk (SSD).

The audited results were submitted to the Storage Performance Council. The RamSan-400 delivered 291,208.58 input/output requests per second (IOPS) in the SPC-1 category with an average response time of 0.86 milliseconds. It broke a pricing record by putting in such a performance at just $0.67 per IOPS.

"This SPC Result demonstrates that when a firm needs better application performance, they cannot get faster storage or a lower cost per IOPS than they can with the RamSan solid state disk," said Woody Hutsell, executive vice president at Texas Memory Systems.

The SSD is added into the system strategically to boost performance - a method already used by many IT departments for database-focused applications. "Additionally, enterprises will no longer need to purchase and maintain surplus hard disk capacity just to get higher performance," Hutsell added.

The SPC-1 category is comparable to online transaction processing environments, such as the financial sector, the council said.