New Firefox browser looks to set download record

Mozilla announced that it will attempt to set a new Guinness world record - for the number of downloads of the new Firefox 3 browser in the first 24 hours of release.

However, the record is the first of its kind so there is no set number to beat. But it is likely to overtake the number of Firefox 2 downloads which were counted at 1.6 million. Mozilla said on its website that five million was a reasonable target.

Mozilla said in a statement: "Every day, the enthusiasm of the community is reflected in grassroots efforts happening all over the world as people share Firefox with their friends and families."

"Download Day continues this tradition by harnessing the energy of the Firefox community to improve the online experience for people everywhere."

'Download Day' will be the launch date of the new browser, which Mozilla hasn't confirmed but said would be sometime in June.

The record will be official, so judges and Guinness World Records will be reviewing download logs using Apache to validate the attempt, with the results coming out around a week later.

Mozilla said it was making sure that downloads are counted that are fully transmitted, with duplicate downloads discarded thanks to a cookie system.

It asked downloaders to refrain from downloading more than one copy using downloaded bots or other mechanisms.

The new version of Firefox is said to include new features like one-click bookmarking and a smart location bar.

Security-wise, it is claimed to include phishing and malware protection as well as new instant site ID info. Mozilla said spell checking, session restore and full zoom will also feature.