Business case is the biggest barrier to cloud adoption

Cloud computing

The biggest barrier facing cloud adoption today isn't security or lack of trust, it is seeing how to make a profit with it.

This is the belief of a member of the board of directors for the Storage Networking Industry Association(SNIA).

In an interview with IT PRO at Storage Networking World (SNW) in Frankfurt, Vincent Franceschini said: "I think everybody is testing the water with [cloud computing], be it service providers, users or tech providers in general. There are tech challenges such as standards and security but they are not new because of the cloud, they were around with the internet."

"The biggest challenge," said Franceschini, "is trying to understand how to make money out of this [technology]." The SNIA director believes it is not just about the users, but has to make sense for the investors as well.

Franceschini is looking to smaller businesses to lead the way.

"The sweet spot is companies not looking to invest a lot into their own IT," he said. "SMBs usually have one-man everything. Instead they could hire providers to do it for them... whilst offering a pay per use model for applications."

Jennifer Scott

Jennifer Scott is a former freelance journalist and currently political reporter for Sky News. She has a varied writing history, having started her career at Dennis Publishing, working in various roles across its business technology titles, including ITPro. Jennifer has specialised in a number of areas over the years and has produced a wealth of content for ITPro, focusing largely on data storage, networking, cloud computing, and telecommunications.

Most recently Jennifer has turned her skills to the political sphere and broadcast journalism, where she has worked for the BBC as a political reporter, before moving to Sky News.