Google offers free Wi-Fi on Virgin America flights


Google is to offer free Wi-Fi on Virgin America flights between 10 November and 15 January.

The web giant and airline will offer the free wireless access on flights between 10 cities (see below) using Gogo Inflight.

"The holidays can be full of dates and details to remember, and it's easy to get stressed out somewhere between planning a long distance, multi-generational family gathering and combing the internet for the latest impossible-to-find furry contraption for your toddler," Jeff Aguero, product marketing manager said in a blog post.

"And when you have to do all that while coordinating air travel at the same time as several million of your closest friends, things can get downright dramatic. [W]e hope this makes it a bit easier to stay connected with family and friends while you're up in the air," he said.

The 10 cities included are Boston, Fort Lauderdale, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington.

Airborne web access is also starting to take off in the UK, with BA and even Ryanair offering it.