Dell announces host of new services at Dell World 2015

Dell has today announced several new services across several verticals, ahead of the official opening of its annual Dell World conference.

The offerings include dedicated IoT solutions for buildings and manufacturing, cloud client offerings and Big Data analytics capabilities.

In the IoT sphere, Dell revealed the new Edge Gateway 5000 Series, its first purpose built IoT gateway for building and factory automation. It will, the company claimed, enable customers in the sector to make sense of the massive amounts of data created by sensors used in this field.

It uses local analytics and other middleware to receive, aggregate and analyse data, and then relay only the useful parts to the cloud or data centre using Dell Statistica data analytics, another new announcement today, thus minimising bandwidth use.

Andy Rhodes, executive director of Commercial IoT Solutions at Dell, said: Organisations are struggling to make the best decisions regarding the data volume and complexity created by the vast numbers of sensors, embedded systems and connected devices now on the network.

"As more of the data is processed in real time at the edge of the network, the gateway becomes the spam filter for IoT."

In its cloud client portfolio, Dell announced the Wyse 5050 AIO zero client for VMware, which it has termed the most significant refresh to its OptiPlex commercial PC portfolio in five years.

As the name would suggest, the the Wyse 5050 AIO zero client for VMware is optimized for VMware -- perhaps unsurprisingly, given Dell's recent acquisition of EMC.

The Wyse 5050 AIO is based on the Dell P2414H monitor and includes a zero client on the back of the monitor, six USB ports, four of which are located on the side of the device, and built-in power supply.The company also announced the release 9 of Wyse Cloud Client Manager, which manages thin clients, mobile devices, and mobile workspaces from a single console.

This release, the company says, makes it easier for customers to manage devices with centralised reporting and control of multiple branch offices by allowing administrators to organise devices into groups and delegating administration of selected groups through role-based access control.

It also adds support for iOS 9, Windows 10 and enhanced application management functionality.

Michael Dell will officially open Dell World 2015 at 3.00pm BST on Wednesday 21 October. Follow our senior writer Jane McCallion for live coverage from the event.

Jane McCallion
Managing Editor

Jane McCallion is ITPro's Managing Editor, specializing in data centers and enterprise IT infrastructure. Before becoming Managing Editor, she held the role of Deputy Editor and, prior to that, Features Editor, managing a pool of freelance and internal writers, while continuing to specialize in enterprise IT infrastructure, and business strategy.

Prior to joining ITPro, Jane was a freelance business journalist writing as both Jane McCallion and Jane Bordenave for titles such as European CEO, World Finance, and Business Excellence Magazine.