Ordnance Survey maps free for all from today


Mapping agency Ordnance Survey is offering free and unrestricted access to many of its maps for the first time from today.

For the first time in the OS' history, individuals or companies can now download, use or copy mid-scale maps, as well as access related data on electoral or local authority boundaries and postcode areas.

The OS OpenData initiative is to be launched today by Communities Secretary John Denham, who says he is optimistic it would attract "a new wave of entrepreneurs" to use the mapping data in new and innovative ways.

"This shows the UK is at the cutting edge of a digital revolution," Denham said. "The move to free up public data encourages fresh thinking people re-using information in different and more imaginative ways than may have originally been intended."

"A seemingly endless stream of new applications and websites continues to show the potential of combining information, creative vision and digital technology," he added.

"Increasing access to OS data will attract a new wave of entrepreneurs and result in new solutions to old problems that will benefit us all. It will also drive a new industry, creating new jobs and driving future growth."

Internet founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee said: "I'm delighted that the Ordnance Survey is releasing this data for free re-use. It will help people make fuller use of other Government data on data.gov.uk, as well as stimulating innovation in mapping itself."

The initiative marks a radical change in how the OS operates. Until now, every piece of map data has come at a cost except for small amounts of data made available for experimental applications. In the past, people have used this limited amount of free data available via OS OpenSpace to create safe cycling and rambling routes, and create maps of local post and phone boxes.

OS OpenData is part of the government's "Making Public Data Public" initiative launched by Prime Minister Gordon Brown last November.