Week in Review: Government tech plans

week in review

Government plans

The new coalition government this week started to clarify its plans for the UK tech sector.

Small ISPs - those under 40,000 users - need not yet worry about filesharing disconnections, but the Digital Economy Act looks set to be rolled out.

Admitted hacker Gary McKinnon will be happy with the election results, as the new Home Secretary called off a judicial review of his extradition to the US to stand trial, saying she'd like to take a closer look at his health problems.

Read on for all the policy announcements here.


This week, we had staff at CA World in Las Vegas and IBM's Information on Demand in - well, near - Rome.

CA World saw the unveiling of a new name for company, which is now known as CA Technologies. The firm also talked up the cloud and unveiled some new management tools. Read on for all the coverage from CA World 2010.

At IOD, IBM heralded the "decade of smart" and revealed the top analytics trends. Read on for more from this year's IOD.

Best of the rest...

HP researchers revealed how cow manure could fuel data centres, while Google opened up Wave and set up an app store.

And the iPhone was named one of the top inventions ever, alongside the wheel, the internet and the toilet.