Week in Numbers: Spam and pints

This week, the IT world saw shock revelations about IT professionals' drinking habits, the count down to the launch of the Palm Pre, seven million people in the UK being seen as criminals by the Government, as well as the inexorable rise of spam e-mailing, and one huge pay off for one very undeserving man.

Three - The number of new mobile devices launched by Sony Ericsson this week.

17 - The number of pints downed, on average, by an IT professionals, making it the booziest profession, just below journalists.

63 per cent - The reduction in per cent of Dell's quarterly net income, when compared to the same time last year. The first quarter of 2009 showed net income plummeting from $784 million in 2008, to a worrying $290 million.

Ninety per cent - The percentage of e-mails entering your inbox that are spam, according to security vendor Symantec.

Seven million - The number of people in the UK guilty of illegal downloading, according to a Government report released on the 29 May.

190 million - Predicted number of people using mobile payments by 2012. By the end of 2009, Gartner predict there will be in excess of 73.4 million users world wide.