Monthly Roundup: March Madness

March began with Microsoft's announcement that its Surface table would be available in the UK.

It's interesting technology which brings to mind the way Tom Cruise was flicking bits around with his hands in Minority Report, or as our Tech Ed describes it - a "large iPhone like interface".

The beginning of the month also saw the 20th anniversary of the World Wide Web how Tim Berners-Lee and Cern changed the world by allowing everybody to use the hyperlink system we are all so familiar with.

It was also the month of Google Street View, which was released in the UK after being successfully tested around the world.

It has raised different kinds of emotions depending on your point of view. Some think it is exciting and a bit of fun, while others are seriously concerned about the privacy implications.

By the end of the month, Twitter was once again the focus of attention, when it revealed that it was finally finding ways towards monetising the site and taking advantage of the big business interest it was getting.

As Twitter's popularity continues to rise, educators are considering if the younger generation should be taught these skills at school.

A super-fast broadband network is also starting to become a reality, as BT announced the first sites to receive these services in 2010.

The month also saw the release of Internet Explorer 8, as well as news on iPhone 3.0 firmware that comes out in the summer.

For a week-by-week view of March, check out our weekly reports below.

Week in Review 6 March - Is the Queen really on Twitter?

Week in Review 13 March - How a Brit set the web free

Week in Review 20 March - Google Street View controversy

Week in Review 27 March - Kids twittering