The Monthly Roundup for June

It has been a month of big government reports that will have a big impact on IT in this country.

First up the final Digital Britain report was released, complete with the big surprise of a broadband tax to fund next-generation networks.

We also condensed the report for you in one of our Need to Know cheat sheets.

Protecting the networks was also a priority for the government, and we also saw its first ever cyber security strategy to shield Britain from cyber attack.

Summer smartphone frenzy

As usual, the release of Apple's iPhone 3GS was one of the eagerly awaited events of the year. We published a Need to Know on the device and operating system as well as a full review.

However, it wasn't the only handset that grabbed the limelight. HTC went all Android on us with news of the HTC Hero, and we also saw one of the most business-focused smartphones we've ever seen in the form of the HTC Touch Pro2.

The browser wars

Mozilla first announced a release candidate of version 3.5 of Firefox and expects the full version to fight for the browser crown with rivals like Google Chrome and Apple's Safari. We've also published a Need to Know to find out all about the features in the new browser too.

Attention was also focused on Opera as it introduced new technology called Opera Unite', which allows the direct sharing of files between browsers, without the need for a server in between.

More on the news this month

Week in Review: 5 June The internet is infected

Week in Review: 12 June The Great British iPhone rip off?

Week in Review: 19 June The future of Britain's broadband

Week in Review: 26 June Will Britain's new cyber strategy work?