Week in Numbers: Snow, sales and social networks

The big news story this week was the snow that fell on the UK, stranding many at home, but we also heard from Apple regarding a delay to its MacBook Pro, Microsoft about Windows 7 versions and IBM on its next massive supercomputer...

Two weeks the delay Apple fans face to get their hands on the 17-inch MacBook Pro, after the release date was pushed back. Don't panic, the aluminium laptops are set to arrive mid-month.

Four the number of security patches set to be issued by Microsoft for next week's Patch Tuesday, two of which are critical.

Five years the years since Facebook was first launched, and the number of surprises we share with you about the UK's most popular social network.

Six the number of versions of Windows 7 which Microsoft is set to offer, despite confusion with different editions in its last operating system, Vista.

Nine years the age of a kid who's clever enough to design his very own Apple iPhone applications. Lim Ding Wen of Singapore created the paint program Doodle Kids for his younger sisters; it's since been downloaded 4,000 times.

20 petaflops per second the processing speed of IBM's latest supercomputer, the Sequoia, which is as powerful as two million laptops and an order of magnitude faster than it's current top machine, the Roadrunner.

48 per cent the fall in profit faced by Lenovo over the past year. While it's easy to blame the recession, Lenovo chose to replace its chief executive, too.

60 the average cost, per record, of a data breach, up from 47 two years ago, according to research by the Ponemon Institute. And you expected costs to fall during a recession?

392 per cent the increase in online sales seen on this week's snow day, compared to a standard Monday. Apparently we weren't all out making snowmen.

20,000 the jobs cut by NEC this week, after posting rather grim results.

90,000 the number of sex offenders who have been banned from MySpace.