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What is Zero Trust?
By Drew Turney last updated
In-depth Zero Trust is the protection framework sweeping the cyber security industry. Here's what you need to know
What is open source?
By Max Cooter last updated
In-depth Open source is in the news a lot thanks to AI and LLMs – we take a look at what open source is, the benefits and drawbacks, and key software vendors
What is big data?
By Drew Turney last updated
In-depth Big data is a big deal for the business world - here's what it's all about...
The blind spots: Five critical mistakes cybersecurity channel leaders must avoid
By Steve Brodie published
Industry Insights Threat actors continue to innovate their TTPs relentlessly, here's five key areas the security channel needs to be aware of to help their customers stay protected
Why people management skills are key to being a CIO
By Drew Turney last updated
In-depth Technology is important, but explaining technology and managing change is even more essential to the role
How to sell cyber security without the FUD
By Rory Bathgate published
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